With the new graphic, the intuitive usability of the Protection Needs Analysis (SBA) is significantly improved. A further optimisation in the SBA can be found in the overruling function. The selection fields are now preset with the current protection requirement values. To further increase transparency, it is now possible to enter a reason for each protection goal.
In the Task area in the header of the application, the display of the distribution has been revised. The task type as well as the affected object (asset, document, measure, etc.) and the deadline of the task are now displayed.
You are already familiar with the Explanation Tiles in the individual task steps from the other Management Systems. These give an overview of the prerequisites, procedure and effects of the respective process step. These tiles are now also offered to you in Outsource Management.
When editing measures, the role of the person responsible for implementation was previously required as mandatory information. This field is now optional.
In certain constellations, the specification of critical resources in the context of the Business Impact Analysis could lead to the task not being completed. This has been corrected.